At Mobhira HR Services Pvt. Ltd, we are committed to eliminating the practice of migrant workers paying recruitment costs and fees to secure their employment. Besides that, our company does not collect any agency/recruitment fees from the workers. We enhance respect for the rights of migrant workers from the moment of recruitment, during employment and through further employment or safe return.
- No recruitment fees or related costs should be charged to , or otherwise borne by, workers. No worker pays for their job or right to work
- Recruitment should take place in a way that respects, protects and fulfills inter nationally recognized human rights, including those expressed in international labor standards, and in particular the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, prevention and elimination of forced labor, child labor and discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
- Freedom of workers to move within a country or to leave country should be respected. Workers’ identity documents such as passports ,land title deeds , diplomas, employment contracts and so on should not be confiscated, destroyed or retained
- The terms and condition of employment should be through written contracts in accordance with national laws, regulations, employment contracts and applicable collective agreements. They should be clear and transparent, and in a language that the worker can understand. Workers’ agreements to the terms and conditions of recruitment and employment should be voluntary and free from deception or coercion. All workers are informed of the basic terms of their employment before leaving home